Oh no….
Oh no! What happens now?
We are sorry we could not find the right solution for you this time round. If you would like to discuss your account with our team to see if we can support your application, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss this with you.
Why was my application unsuccessful?
There are a number of reasons why we were unsuccessful in finalising your application. Acquiring banks measure applications around several risk factors, these can be from the industry / product you sell, to the region you are in. These factors are weighed on a per-application basis.
If you would like to discuss your circumstances, contacts page us for more information.
Why we ensure our quotes are different?
We are not like other companies. Some Payment Gateways provide a one size fits all price at the point of order, regardless if you are from a high risk industry or not. As their internal checks catch up and your business turns out to not fit their criteria, they may suspend or close your account. This happens despite your initial investment, installation and may result in lengthy delays in returnig your funds while they manually process your account.
With provide a real price for your business as we want your business long term and avoid any surprises further down the line.